Tuesday, 27 January 2015

M Tech: GBD: Assignment#2

Due Date: Monday, Feb 2
Submission place: Classroom during the GBD lecture
Page Limit: 1 double-sided A4 sheet

Late submissions are not allowed.

Kindly go through an article on Green Building Rating by Center of Science and Environment (CSE) available at the following link:


Reflect on CSE's stand on this topic. Do you agree or disagree with author's take on Green Building Rating systems? Do you agree or disagree with CSE's recommendations? 

Suggest 2 more measures, other than those listed in the article, to improve the efficiency of these ratings.

Monday, 19 January 2015

B Tech: EE-I: Project Description

Here is the link to WASH Survey.

As discussed in the class, each of you is required to submit 10 datasets. Each dataset refers to data collected from a different household (or address). Try not to collect data from houses in close vicinity to each other. The form is to be filled online and submitted.
In the name of Researcher, write your name and roll number, so that the dataset can be attributed to you.

The last date for data submission is Mar 15.

Feel free to discuss any query.

M. Tech.: GBD: Assignment #1

Discuss briefly (limit to 1 single A4 page, two-sided), if any, differences between LEED and LEED-India accreditation systems.

Due date is Wed, Jan 21.

Late submissions not allowed.