Friday, 26 February 2016

Updated: MTE marks attached

Here is an updated list of MTE marks for the sheets that have been evaluated so far. The sheet will be updated every day or so.

Project presentation schedule- Week of Feb 29- Mar 4

The project presentation schedule for the Week of Feb 29- Mar 4 is as follows:

Sec A: grp 5 & 6: Mon, Lec 8
Sec B: grp 3 & 4: Fri, Lec 7
Sec C: grp 3 & 4: Fri, Lec 8

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Discrepancy in class tests

It has come to my attention that a number of students are taking tests in different groups. For example, one student of Sec A-G2 tool the test with group G-1, without my prior permission.
Any such discrepancy would result in your test being canceled. This particular student's test has been canceled and he has been awarded a zero for the same.

If any such instance comes to my notice, you will be awarded a ZERO for being absent in your own group's test.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Revised test# 2 schedule for Sec B-G1

Sec B-G1 will have their test#2 on Mon, Lec 8, in room no. 105.
The syllabus will be unit-II part-2.

Project presentation schedule- Week of Feb 15-19

The project presentation schedule for the Week of Feb 15-19 is as follows:

Sec A: grp 3 & 4: Tue, Lec 8
Sec B: grp 1 & 2: Fri, Lec 7
Sec C: grp 1 & 2: Fri, Lec 8

Unit-III part-I slides

Unit-III part-I slides

Test schedule for Week of Feb 15-19

Test#3 will be conducted during the week of Feb 15-19, during the tutorial session for all the groups. The syllabus will include the portion of unit-III (Water treatment) that has been covered for the respective section.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Test#2 for sec B, group G1

Test#2 of Sec B-G1 will take place on Feb 12 during their regular tutorial session.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Project presentation schedule

The first two groups of each section will present a brief 15 minute group presentation and submit a 15-20 page report as per the following schedule:

Sec 3A: Tuesday, Lec 8
Sec 3B: Fri, Lec 7
Sec 3C: Fri, Lec 8

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Postponing of project presentations till next week

The project presentations are being postponed to the week of Feb 7-12. The first two groups from each section will make presentation in that week.