Friday, 20 March 2015

M Tech: GBD: Group Assignment

As discussed, in this group project, you are required to map the criteria across the three rating systems based on the intent. You are also required to check the relative weightage of each criteria and reasons for substantial differences, if any.
The deadline for submission is Mar 30 and submission is required as a spreadsheet (excel sheet) in soft form.

The group distribution and project allocation is as follows:

S. No. Name grp no. Criteria
1 Nikhil 1 Location & Transportation
2 Fahad
3 Amrit
4 Shishir Kant
5 Syed Mohsin 2 Sustainable Site
6 Abhay
7 Swati
8 Mohammad Asim
9 Abdul Qader Hotak 3 Water Efficiency
10 Afraha Ahsan Bamba Qureshi
11 Ahmad Jawed
12 Akash Shukla
13 Arif Ahmad Hakim 4 Materials & Resources
14 Hamid Amiry
15 Kunwar Piyush Singh
16 MD Nausad Alam
17 Mohd. Mansoor Noori 5 Innovation & Regional Priority, Integrative Process
18 Nasir Ahmad
19 Nimra Tajamul
20 Partha Karmakar
21 Pratik Dadsena 6 Energy Efficiency
22 Ridha Nehvi
23 Rizwana Iqbal
24 Rukhsana Rashid Regoo
25 Rukuozenuo Mere
26 Sakshi Sharma 7 Indoor Environmental Quality
27 Saurabh Upadhyay
28 Shubham Singh
29 Shubhankar Budholiya
30 Suraj Bagale

Friday, 13 March 2015

M Tech: EE: Attendance till Feb 27

M Tech (EE) students:

The compiled attendance till the date of Feb 27 can be accessed here.

Monday, 2 March 2015

no change in test schedule

It has come to my notice that sec 3A has shifted their Prestressed concrete class to 7th lecture on Tuesday. However for this week, the class will take place as per the time table, i.e. in 8th lecture.
You may revert to previous arrangement after the mid-term examination.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

B Tech: EE-I class test shedule

A class test will be held on Tuesday, Mar 3 as per the following schedule:

Lec 7:

Sec A, G1: #404
Sec A, G2: # 405

Lec 8:

Sec B, G1: #306
Sec B, G2: #404
Sec C, G1: #206          (OCF tut has been rescheduled to Wed, Lec 7, Room 306)
Sec C, G2: # 305

The test will cover Unit-2.

Key instructions:

Entry will be restricted 10 minutes after the start of the lecture.

Bring your own pen, paper and scientific calculator. Borrowing of any kind is not allowed.

Cellphones are not to be used during the test for any purpose.