Monday, 21 March 2016

Lab Chart/poster format

Dear All,

If you are yet to make your lab chart/poster, use the attached template. Just make the poster and save it as both a .docx and .pdf document and email it to me. I will get the printing done.

The size of the poster is 24" x 36". Do not use a font size of less than 24.

Make sure to add some images/pictures (only high quality images, of at least 1024 x 768 resolution).

For those of you who need live river data, visit the link:

Click on any of the stations and live streaming of data will start.

Send the poster to me by Mar 27. Bonus points for sending it to me by Tuesday, Mar 22 (50% for 2 pm submission) and Mar 25 (20%).

No submissions will be accepted beyond Mar 30.

I would suggest using Power-Point for making the poster and adjust the page size to 24" x 36" by using page-setup option (you may have to set it manually).